Organizing Tools and Home Decor
I never want to make you feel like you need more stuff to be happy or to have a home you love. Because that couldn’t be further from the truth! I truly believe that our stuff is actually holding us back from realizing peace and rest in our homes. So before you purchase anything, please consider getting rid of things!!
Practically, though, it is immensely helpful to have bins and such to organize the stuff we decide is important enough to keep. I know how overwhelming it can be to find solutions that work, especially with kids and big families in mind! So, I simply want to share with you some of the products my family uses and loves.
Clutter Bug Quiz
Cas Aarssen
This isn’t actually a product, but it’s a fantastic organizing tool! This quiz will help you gain some insight into what your organization downfalls are and the types of systems that will be the easiest for you to maintain. So please, before you click the link to one of the bins or baskets, take this quiz!! There’s nothing worse than buying something that doesn't actually provide a solution to your problem. If you’ve already taken it, way to go!!
Coming Soon!!
Product Recommendations
I’ll be adding items to this page as I recommend them in my posts, so come back in a few weeks and there should be several recommendations here…for now you’ll just have to endure the suspense!